The typical American family?
Everyone can describe it, but.few of us actually live in one. To be exact, only seven per cent of our population does. Today, the traditional concept is being replaced by new groupings: single parent families; families with working mothers; lesbian couples with children; and the everincreasing numbers of communal families and cults like the People's Temple in Guyana. In fact, the only thing that hasn't changed about the American family is everyone's need to have one. Tonight, in a special three-hour program, NBC Reports examines that need in all its diversity. Taking you into homes all over the country to meet these new American families. Offering the insights of experts like Harvard's Alvin Poussaint. Showing you astonishing statistics about
NBC Reports
the future of the family. And sharing the opinions of people from Erma Bombeck to the teenager down the block.
It's a comprehensive program devoting an entire evening of prime-time television to America's most important institution!
Correspondents: Edwin Newman. Betty Rollin⚫ with Kenneth Keniston • Jerome Kagan. Alvin F. Poussaint. Amitai W. Etzioni. Jane Howard and Mary Jo Bane Erma Bombeck • Billy Carter • Mrs. Lillian Carter. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. • Phil Donahue. Melissa Gilbert. Vernon
Jordan. Ann Landers • Norman Lear
Loretta Lynn • Eleanor Holmes Norton Mort Sahl. Phyllis Schlafly Beverly Sills
"The American Family: An Endangered Species?" 8-11 PM